Company Organization


FitzWilliam Consultants operates as a network of members and each firm is a separate legal entity from each other. With branches in Europe, Middle East and Southern Africa our collaborations with each other allows FitzWilliam Consultants draw on diverse experience and expertise the allows our Clients extract the best from our services and allows FitzWilliam  Consultants adapt to the ever changing construction environment.


FitzWilliam Consultants is owned and operated in equal share by Eranga Alwis and Alan Walsh who are the Managing Partners since the handing over of the Company by Denis Quille in 2020 who remains as a nonshareholder advisor in the Company. As Managing Partners We believe our employees are essential to our successful business we insure and that all our staff are professionally qualified, apply highest code of ethics and provide stable and upmost confidence in our Clients


Company Founder

Denis Quille
Founding Member Denis Quille first establishment in the Middle East was in 1976 working in the housing sector and formed a deep knowledge and understanding of construction technologies and culture in the Middle East. This valuable knowledge was brought forward when he and his global Partners formed FitzWilliam Partnership in 1990 and set up in this region in 2009




 Eranga Alwis - Company Partner 

Managing Partner Eranga Alwis: Joined in 2011 and quickly established himself as a natural leader. His experience of over 13 years in the GCC provides a well of knowledge to the Company and Clients.

Alan Walsh - Company Partner

Managing Partner Alan Walsh: Joined in 2014 and brought with him international experience having worked in Europe and Australia

In addition, FitzWilliam Consultants have Department Leads with outstanding experience and longevity with FitzWilliam Consultants who are directly managed by the Managing Partners and who have support teams underneath them